Thursday 2 September 2010

Why I fail

Hiiiiiiiiiii everyone! :)

So today was meant to be 'BBQ weather', and me and two friends arranged to go to the beach and have a mini BBQ there. Great!
But we are forgetting that this is England. And that is so wasn't BBQ weather. (Or rather, it wasn't at that specific time, but when it was too late, then it was BBQ weather).
Anyway. So, we decided to go to my friend's house and have the food there on his portable 'one match and it's lit' barbeque.
We didn't have matches (because we so so fail) and had to use a half dying lighter instead, which, of course, didn't do the trick.
(I still think that 'one match' would so not do the trick. Try fifty. At the same time).
So, we ran inside to use the hob and lit pieces of paper on fire and dropped them in.
Not working.
We lit the pieces of charcoal and through them in.
Still not working.
We did both at the same time.
Really not working.
So, our solution?

We put the oven on and grilled them instead.

Well... we eat them outside at least! :D

More later,


Wednesday 1 September 2010

Better off early...

Hi there! (:

So, today I'd planned to go to the cinemas with my friend from Saltburn who, apart from last week, I hadn't seen in over a year.
So the train to Middlesbrough was at 2:13, and as I was meeting her on the train, I set off from my house at twenty-five minutes past one.
Seems quite early, but last time I went to the station I was sprinting there so I didn't miss it, and spent the next ten minutes catching my breath! So this time I wanted to be there on time.
And I was on time.
Or rather, twenty-five minutes early.
And I had to wait, bored.

So then, as we got to the cinema, we thought that there'd be a huge queue.
And there wasn't.
So we had thirty minutes to wait before the film.
And we had to wait, again fairly bored.
So we watched the film - Scott Pilgrim vs The World, amazing film, watched it for the second time and absolutely loved it - and got out of the cinema three minutes before the train. Safe to say we'd missed that one.
We walked to Primark - to find it closed - and walked to the train station for the 5:59 train.
Then it was delayed for five minutes, and in the end had to wait half an hour.
And - yeah, you guessed it - we were quite bored again!

So, all in all, I had to wait an hour and twenty five minutes today.
The morale?
Although 'better late than never' isn't always the best option, being early is extremely boooooring! :D
