Wednesday 1 September 2010

Better off early...

Hi there! (:

So, today I'd planned to go to the cinemas with my friend from Saltburn who, apart from last week, I hadn't seen in over a year.
So the train to Middlesbrough was at 2:13, and as I was meeting her on the train, I set off from my house at twenty-five minutes past one.
Seems quite early, but last time I went to the station I was sprinting there so I didn't miss it, and spent the next ten minutes catching my breath! So this time I wanted to be there on time.
And I was on time.
Or rather, twenty-five minutes early.
And I had to wait, bored.

So then, as we got to the cinema, we thought that there'd be a huge queue.
And there wasn't.
So we had thirty minutes to wait before the film.
And we had to wait, again fairly bored.
So we watched the film - Scott Pilgrim vs The World, amazing film, watched it for the second time and absolutely loved it - and got out of the cinema three minutes before the train. Safe to say we'd missed that one.
We walked to Primark - to find it closed - and walked to the train station for the 5:59 train.
Then it was delayed for five minutes, and in the end had to wait half an hour.
And - yeah, you guessed it - we were quite bored again!

So, all in all, I had to wait an hour and twenty five minutes today.
The morale?
Although 'better late than never' isn't always the best option, being early is extremely boooooring! :D


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